Gentoo Linux Ebuild Quick Reference

This information was snarfed from various Gentoo Technologies Inc. documentation.

It is licensed under the Creative Commons Commons Deed

Note: There is a manpage which talks about the internal format, variables and function s in an ebuild script: man 5 ebuild.

1. Variable Settings:

The first part of every ebuild file is made up of a number of variable settings. The variables you can set are:

P the name and version of the package; you must not set this, as it is determined by portage for you.
S the source directory for your package; normally ${WORKDIR}/${P}
T the temporary directory for your package. It is used as a virtual /tmp directory while processing the ebuild.
D the root directory that is installed to, treat it as the virtual /
SLOT Portage handles different versions of the same installed programs. If you would want, say GCC 2.95 and GCC 3.x installed at the same time, you would specify the slot in each ebuild. i.e GCC 2.95 would be slot 0, and GCC 3.x would be slot 1.
LICENSE This variable specifies what license the program is covered under, i.e. GPL-2, BSD, etc... This field must be set to a valid license (which is any license found in ${PORTDIR}/license/). If the license does not already exist there, it must be added before the ebuild can be added to the portage tree.
KEYWORDS This variable now supports a couple of different functions. First of all, this variable specifies what architecture the ebuild is meant for. These keywords include: x86, ppc, alpha, sparc, sparc64 . Obviously, you would set this to reflect the architecture of the target machine. Portage will not allow an x86 machine to build anything but x86, as specified by the KEYWORDS USE variable. Packages that are not the native architecture are automatically masked by Portage. If the KEYWORDS flag has a preceeding ~, then that indicates that the particular ebuild works, but is not considered stable with the given keyword. If the KEYWORDS flag has a preceeding -, then the package does not work with the given keyword. If there is nothing leading KEYWORDS, then the package is considered stable. You can allow installation of these different types of packages through make.conf.
DESCRIPTION a short, one line description of your package
SRC_URI the URIs for every source file in your package, separated by whitespace; normally the first one is something like "${A}"
HOMEPAGE your package's homepage
IUSE This is set to what USE variables your package uses. If your package uses none, you must set it to IUSE="" .
DEPEND build dependencies; see the section Package Dependencies
RDEPEND runtime dependencies; see the section Package Dependencies

2. ebuild Functions

There are a number of different functions that you can define in ebuild files that control the building and installation process of your package.

pkg_setup Use this function to perform any miscellaneous prerequisite tasks. This might include adding system accounts or checking for an existing configuration file. This function must return 0 in order for processing to proceed.
pkg_nofetch Inform the user about required actions if for some reason (such as licensing issues) the sources may not be downloaded by Portage automatically.
src_unpack Use this function to unpack your sources and run autoconf/automake/etc. if necessary. By default, it unpacks the packages in ${A}. The default starting directory is ${WORKDIR}.
src_compile Use this function to configure and build the package. Default starting directory is ${S}.
src_install Use this function install the package to an image in ${D}. If your package uses automake, you can do this simply with make DESTDIR=${D} install. Make sure your package installs all its files using ${D} as the root!
pkg_preinst The commands in this function are run just prior to merging a package image into the filesystem.
pkg_postinst The commands in this function are run just following merging a package image into the filesystem.
pkg_prerm The commands in this function are run just prior to unmerging a package image from the filesystem.
pkg_postrm The commands in this function are run just following unmerging a package image from the filesystem.
pkg_config You use this function to setup an initial configuration for the package after it's installed. All paths in this function should be prefixed with ${ROOT}. This function is only executed if and when the user runs: ebuild /var/db/pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${PF}.ebuild config.

You can also use the following functions in your ebuilds.

use Check if one or more given use-flags are defined. If so, the function will echo the use-flags. To check the existence of a use-flag, you can use [ -z "`use foobar`"].
has_version Returns 1 if the system has the requested version of a certain package. For instance has_version >=glibc-2.3.0.
best_version Returns category/package-version of the requested category/package. For instance best_version x11-libs/gtk+extra.
use_with This function checks if a use-flag has been defined and returns "--with-foobar" or "--without-foobar" accordingly. If you only use one argument, that argument is both use-flag and with(out)-string. Otherwise the first argument is the use-flag and the second argument the with(out)-string. For instance use_with truetype freetype.
use_enable The same as use_with, but returns "--enable-foobar" or "--disable-foobar" accordingly.
check_KV Checks if Portage knows kernel version. If not, display an error and die. If you need the kernel version in your script, use the ${KV} variable which is automatically defined by Portage.
keepdir Creates (if necessary) a .keep file in the given directory so that it isn't auto-cleaned.
econf Issues ./configure with the necessary path-changes (prefix, host, mandir, infodir, datadir, sysconfdir, localstatedir). You can optionally give extra arguments for ./configure.
einstall Issues make install so that Portage knows where the files are being placed.
die Causes the current process to be aborted. It will notify the user with the given argument as reason.
einfo Inform the user about something important. The argument given to einfo is the message that the user will see.

Portage scripts and utilities

These are scripts used to test your ebuild step-by-step, install and remove packages, and maintain the package database.

ebuild is the main engine of the Portage system; it performs all major tasks such as unpacking, compiling, installing, merging, and unmerging packages. It is called using the command: ebuild path/to/package.ebuild command. The commands available are:

Command Description Related ebuild Function
*setup performs any miscellaneous commands required before the ebuild can proceed pkg_setup
depend displays the dependencies required to build the package n/a
merge unpacks, compiles, installs, and merges the package into your filesystem n/a
*qmerge merges the package into your filesystem, assuming that the the unpack, compile, and install stages have already been executed n/a
*unpack unpacks the source tarballs into the work directory src_unpack
*compile compiles the package src_compile
rpm creates an RPM from the package n/a
package creates a Gentoo tbz2 package n/a
*prerm executes the pre-removal stage of the package pkg_prerm
*postrm executes the post-removal stage of the package pkg_postrm
*preinst executes the pre-installation stage of the package pkg_preinst
*postinst executes the post-installation stage of the package pkg_postinst
config sets up a default configuration once the package is merged pkg_config
*touch updates the mtimes for each source archive in the package n/a
*clean cleans the work directory for the package n/a
*fetch fetches the package source tarballs n/a
*digest creates a digest file for the package n/a
*install installs the package into the image directory src_install
unmerge unmerges the package from your filesystem n/a

Note: commands with an asterisk (*) are normally only used by the developer.

Private Scripts and Commands

These are scripts you can use in your ebuild files to perform common tasks.

For more detailed instructions, look at the scripts themselves in /usr/lib/portage/bin.

into sets the target prefix (DESTTREE) for dobin, dolib, dolib.a,, domo, dosbin
dobin installs the specified binaries into DESTTREE/bin
dodoc installs the specified files into the package's documentation directory (/usr/share/doc/${PF}/DOCDESTTREE) where DOCDESTREE is settable with docinto
doexe installs the specified files with mode EXEOPTIONS into EXEDESTTREE. EXEOPTIONS defaults to -m0755 and is settable via the exeopts command. EXEDESTTREE is settable via the exeinto command.
dohard creates a hardlink, handles ${D} transparently
dohtml installs the specified files and directories into /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
doinfo installs the specified files into /usr/share/info, then compresses them with gzip
doins installs the specified files with mode INSOPTIONS into INSDESTTREE. INSOPTIONS defaults to -m0644 and is settable via the insopts command. INSDESTTREE is settable via the insinto command.
dolib installs the specified libraries with mode LIBOPTIONS into DESTTREE/lib. LIBOPTIONS defaults to -m0644 and is settable via the libopts command
dolib.a installs the specified libraries into DESTTREE/lib with mode 0644 installs the specified libraries into DESTTREE/lib with mode 0755
doman installs the specified files into /usr/share/man/manX, according to the suffix X
domo used for manually installing .mo files, which are used for storing localized string data
donewins same as newins; its actually a symlink to it. this is deprecated and exists for compatibility with old ebuilds. use newins instead
dosbin installs a binary into DESTTREE/sbin, marking it as executable
dosed removes all occurences of ${D} (the installation prefix path) in the specified files
dosym creates a symlink, handles ${D} transparently
emake runs a parallell make. some projects cannot be made in parallell; use make
fowners applies the specified ownership (first argument) to the specified file (second argument) via the chown command, handles ${D} transparently
fperms applies the specified permissions (first argument) to the specified file (second argument) via the chmod command, handles ${D} transparently
newbin wrapper around dobin which installs the specified binary (first argument) in DESTTREE/bin, transparently renaming to the second argument
newdoc wrapper around dodoc which installs the specified file (first argument) in /usr/share/doc/${PF}/DOCDESTTREE, transparently renaming to the second argument
newexe wrapper around doexe which installs the specified file with mode EXEOPTIONS into EXEDESTTREE, transparently renaming to the second argument
newins wrapper around doins which installs the specified file with mode INSOPTIONS into INSDESTTREE, transparently renaming to the second argument
newlib.a wrapper around dolib.a which installs the specified library into DESTTREE/lib, transparently renaming to the second argument wrapper around which installs the specified library into DESTTREE/lib, transparently renaming to the second argument
newman wrapper around doman which installs the specified file into /usr/share/man/manX, transparently renaming to the second argument
newsbin wrapper around dosbin which installs the specified file into DESTTREE/sbin, transparently renaming to the second argument
pmake deprecated; use emake instead
prepalldocs recursively gzips all doc files in /usr/share/doc, transparently fixing up any symlink paths
prepallinfo recursively gzips all info files in /usr/share/info
prepallman recursively gzips all man pages in /opt/*/man/*, /usr/share/man/*, /usr/local/man/*, /usr/X11R6/share/man/* and transparently fixes up any symlink paths
prepall wrapper around prepallman, prepallinfo and prepallstrip. also ensures all libraries in /opt/*/lib, /lib, /usr/lib and /usr/X11R6/lib are executable. also moves any stray aclocal macros into /usr/share/aclocal
try deprecated. Use the || die construct instead.